Tuesday, September 23, 2008

almost done

I'm finally taking the plunge into wholesale.
It's a little scary because basically you do all the work for 1/2 the pay, but it should cut done on the amount of traveling I have to do for shows. Although....and don't tell anyone this....since I've discovered priceline I've been enjoying some nice hotels instead of sleeping on friends' couches. Too old for that! You can get the best deals if you name your own price if you can get past the fact you don't know exactly where you'll be staying until after you pay.

Today I'm packing up my first large wholesale order for shanalogic. LOVE this site & Shana is the best person to work with. She's had my work on consignment for a year or so now, but it sells so well she's talked me into wholesaling to her.

I just need to put those hearts on the their chains and this order is outta here!!!

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